Tuesday, April 26, 2011

1917 Snapshot of Henry

A publication called Richmond Virginia A Glance at Her History: A Review of Her Progress; A Sketch of Her Commerce featured Henry in 1917. 

Among the men of industrial affairs who have been highly instrumental in the advancement of the building interests of the city, is Mr. Henry Beckstoffer.  This gentlemen has been a resident of Richmond for the past eighteen years and is a native of Hanover, Germany, and we can truly say there is no citizen of Richmond more highly respected or more loyal to its interests.  Mr. Beckstoffeer established himself in business fifteen year ago and has given to Richmond one of her greatest and most modern woodworking plants.  His planing mill is equipped according to the most modern ideas, with all kinds of woodworking machinery and the plant and yards cover nearly an entire city block.  The products include all kinds of lumber, laths, shingles, sash, doors, frames, all kinds of fancy mill work, and in fact everything required in the line for general home building. These products are broadly sold throughout Richmond and the central part of the state.  The plant is located at 1209 North Twenty-eighth street, and has phone Madison 5013. 

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